Podcast: Let’s Talk About Life Insurance. Can We Live Without It?
It seems everywhere I go or whomever I talk to, life insurance is a scary, taboo topic. How do you read the life insurance policy? Do I need life insurance? What kind of life insurance do I need? Let’s talk about life insurance and how it affects you. We’ll eliminate the scary, taboo topic once…
Open PostPodcast: Go Fund Me or Go Fund Yourself – You Can Do It!
With the growing number of Go Fund Me sites; it is scary to see how many people are at the mercy of strangers when tragedy strikes. Why not Go Fund Yourself instead? There absolutely are affordable ways to protect yourself and your families when tragedy strikes. Don’t be a statistic that desperately needs the help…
Open PostPodcast: Make Friends With Money with Special Guest Betty Mae Glen
Betty Mae Glen asks: Do you ever… feel frustrated that a given financial situation is not at all what you would like it to be? You can’t place a finger on it, but it’s like there’s something stopping you from having as much freedom with money as you expected at this point in your life?…
Open PostPodcast: Bookkeeping vs Accounting…. What To Do, What To Do!
Let’s start with the easy stuff-what’s the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Do I need a bookkeeper? Do I need an accountant? How do I pick a bookkeeper and accountant? What to expect from a bookkeeper and what to expect from an accountant. Sometimes people use bookkeeper and accountant interchangeably; there is a difference! It’s…
Open PostPodcast: Acronyms – What Do They All Mean?!
RESP, RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, RDSP, GIC, MERs, ETFs, EFTs, FOREX, DOW, TSX, and so many more! Acronyms, acronyms, acronyms! OMG!! What do they all mean? This is part of what looks scary to those outside of the financial industry. It’s like learning a new language. We’re going to break it down in plain language and…
Open PostPodcast: Money and Weight, They Are Related with Special Guest Marietta Snetsinger
We’re so lucky to have Marietta Snetsinger join us to discuss the effects of weight loss and weight gain and their relationship to money. Marietta believes that physical transformation through weight-release is possible for anyone…at ANY age! She is passionate about teaching others how to redefine their connection with their body and how to finally…
Open PostPodcast: How Protected is your Estate? Yes, you have one!
It’s Family Day, let’s talk about family. How do we protect them? Do you know what your estate is? So many people think that to have an estate they need lots of wealth. That’s not true. Everyone has an estate and everyone should protect theirs. Let’s talk about what an estate really is, how we…
Open PostPodcast: Cost Savings Tips & Tricks
Cost Savings Tips & Tricks ~ What would happen if you could save an extra $20, $40, $80, $100 or more per month? You could pay down that debt faster. You could invest for your future self. You could go on that trip you’ve been dreaming about. You could buy that new car you’ve been…
Open PostPodcast: It All Starts Today – Financial Freedom!
When is the best time to learn about financial freedom? How do you learn about financial freedom? What does it mean? Today is the day we begin our journey on the road to financial freedom. So many women are nervous and scared to learn about finances that they avoid it until it is thrust upon…
Open Post